Getting your PA System together can be tricky! The following 5 points will help you to think through some important considerations as you get started in your search for the perfect system for your needs. Contact us for the wide variety of options in Loudspeakers, Mixers, Microphones, and more, that we can offer you here in Oman.

  • Permanent or Portable: Will the system be fixed once, or do you need to setup and tear it down for each use? The connections, access to the connectors, and durability of the connectors, setup and derig times etc. will be important factors to evaluate. Some Loudspeakers have hanging points which will allow for a perfect permanent install, while others have multiple options (pole-mount, hanging-points, wall-mount, wedge placements etc.) built-in which allows you to be flexible. Some speakers have lightweight and battery-powered options allowing you to carry it around.
  • Size of the Room: Consider the length, width, height of the room, and also, the type of material on the surfaces and walls. These will determines how long it takes for the sound to dissipate (or stop ringing), and the amount of echo or reverb. Bigger rooms will require more powerful systems, or multiple loudspeakers. And, if your outdoors here in Oman, well, the temperature and humidity have some important impact on your choices.
  • Number of People: The number of people, and how far they will be from the speaker, are important considerations. Higher the people, the more powerful or more speakers required.
  • Loudness Required: DJ party, rock music and similar types of sound source tend to require higher power (and possibly more subwoofers), while speech oriented applications require comparatively lesser power. Some advocates suggest a 5W-10W per person as a general rule of thumb. Though, wattage alone is not sufficient to accurately determine the speakers required.
  • Budget: Budget has been an important point for all purchasers. We encourage that you look around for great value, that is, a great sound at a reasonable price and ones that will last a long time. Typically, a cheaper set of speakers will be less loud and less durable than a higher priced set. So a OMR 250 speaker will be louder than a OMR 150 speaker.

Come visit our Pro Audio shop located in Muscat to get a demo of some units available. Or, contact us at 9225-2685 to order via whatsapp. You can also shop online at the following links:

PA Systems

